Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Yesterday I was told that a teacher from SMK Tun Sardon passed away and it got me thinking about death. After all, I am almost 60 years old.

Something that I read….

When you have to act in a play or perform in a concert, you spend many hours rehearsing or practicing beforehand. If you stumble or forget your lines, you have another chance – dozens more chances. That is what rehearsals are all about.

However when the curtain goes up and those rows of empty chairs are full of people, you have no more chances to practice. Now your performance is for real, in full view of the public. The show must go on.

Dying is like that.

Your life is like the rehearsals. When you stumble, you have another chance to make good. You are given many chances but when the curtain of your body is withdrawn and you are left face to face with GOD, there will be no more rehearsals to go back to. You cannot go back to the beginning and start again!

That’s why the late Fr. Simon (my former parish priest) used to say, “ Live every day as if it were the last day of your life.”

Fr. Lawrence (the present parish priest) said, “ Before we die the big death, let us die many little deaths first:

Death of pride, Death of covetousness, Death of impurity, Death of insincerity, Death of anger, Death of injustice, Death of worship of false gods, etc….”

As for me, I pray for many more years of ‘rehearsals’.

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